Deutsch Drahthaar KII Litter vom Himmelbogen

Breeder: Ken Gill cell – 515 240 3789
Location: Ackworth, IA . USA
40 years breeding Deutsch Drahthaar pups

Welp approximately February 24, 2025.
Home approximately April 14, 2024. 

Olfi vom Loxterhof
DOB: 20.01.2021, 245690
Brsch, 10/11, 60/62, ZR# – 229/21
VJP 74 Points, 11 nose, 11 track
HZP 183 Points, o.Sp. 11 duck 
VGP I./ 336 Points ÜF
HD-A/OCD/ED frei
HN, Btr., AH*, sl,
**The Armbruster Halt Award (AH) {Armbruster Haltabzeichen}

Jaeger vom Dilmunfast
D.O.B: 22.04.2018
Brsch, 11/12, ZBR 237849
VJP 69
HZP 191, 12 Duck Search
Armbruster 2019: 202.5
VGP 280 Prize III

** The Armbruster Halt Award is granted when a dog demonstrates the ability to be obedient on the track of a hare during the VJP, HZP or VGP. The dog is whistled to the DOWN position when it sights a hare. After the hare is out of sight, the dog is released to track it and must demonstrate at least a GOOD track. The dog must demonstrate obedience on every hare it has seen during the test, and must be 20 m from its handler at least once. 

JII Litter vom Himmelbogen

Whelped May 19, 2024.
Home approximately July 14, 2024.

Placed. Thank you for your interest.
2025 breedings on the horizon.

Contact re standby list or 2024 Sept/Oct likely breeding of Vroni III vom Spanger-Forst. More info on Vroni here

Breeder: Ken Gill cell – 515 240 3789
Location: Ackworth, IA . USA
40 years breeding Deutsch Drahthaar pups

Dam — Zenta IV v.Böckenhagen 
DOB – 22/03/2022; 
ZB. Nr. 250162
Brsch, 11/10, 61/63
VJP – 76
HZP – 234.5 – 22nd at Hegewald 2023
VGP Pz1 332-Totverbellen*** 
HD-frei – A
OCD-frei – Yes
ED-frei – Yes 
vWD-frei – Yes DNA
*** this dog has demonstrated ability to track a wounded deer, stay and bay until found by the handler

Sire — Nox vom Wilstedter Moor 
DOB: 27.06.2021, 248246
Brsch, 10/11, 64/66, 
ZR Nr-021/21
HZP-192/222, 12 Search Behind Duck, 26th place Hegewald 2022
VGP-Pz II 328 UF, 4h Independent Water Search, 4h Use of Nose
HD-A, OCD and ED frei 

Nox vom Wilstedter Moor
Nox vom Wilstedter Moor

New dog at vom Himmelbogen Kennels

Litter expected approximately May 19, 2024. Home approximately July 07, 2024.

Zenta IV v.Böckenhagenhas been bred to
Nox vom Wilstedter Moor 
DOB: 27.06.2021, 248246
Brsch, 10/11, 61/63
ZR Nr-250162
HZP-192/222,12 Search Behind Duck, 22th place Hegewald 2023
VGP- Pz 1,332 UF, 4h Independent Water Search, 4h Use of Nose
HD-A, OCD and ED frei 

Placing 22nd at the 2023 Hegwald was only one highlight of this dog’s 2023. Zenta IV v.Böckenhagen has recently arrived at her her new home in Iowa.
She is settling in very well and adds exceptional quality to the bloodlines within North America.
More information is available here.

Zenta & Ken