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Arrived Jan 31, 2024!!
Location: Ackworth, IA . USA
All pups placed
Additional 2024 litter information here
III Litter vom Himmelbogen (i2)
Olfi vom Loxterhof scored a perfect utility score, a 74 in VJP and earned the Armbruster Halt Award. Training plays no small part, but the dog has to be there.
Deutsch Drahthaar Breeder for 40 years
Ken Gill – 515 240 3789
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Olfi vom Loxterhof
DOB: 20.01.2021, 245690
Brsch, 10/11, 60/62, ZR# – 229/21
VJP 74 Points, 11 nose, 11 track
HZP 183 Points, o.Sp. 11 duck
VGP I./ 336 Points ÜF
HD-A/OCD/ED frei
HN, Btr., AH*, sl,
**The Armbruster Halt Award (AH) {Armbruster Haltabzeichen}
Sire: Dude II vom Wiredhaus
Apologies. I/Lars used the wrong image
for Dude II. Thank you to the person who noticed.
DOB: 24.01.21, 245753
Brsch, 7/11, 66/67
VJP – 76 (12 in Use of Nose)
HZP – 2022 Armbruster(5th) – 191 (performance points only)
HD – A
VGP – pending
** The Armbruster Halt Award is granted when a dog demonstrates the ability to be obedient on the track of a hare during the VJP, HZP or VGP. The dog is whistled to the DOWN position when it sights a hare. After the hare is out of sight, the dog is released to track it and must demonstrate at least a GOOD track. The dog must demonstrate obedience on every hare it has seen during the test, and must be 20 m from its handler at least once.

** What does a planned breeding mean? This means that a stud has been chosen, approved and booked. Taking into account the health of our dog and the regulations of the VDD-GNA a breeding will hopefully occur within the timeframe listed.